Saturday, September 6, 2008

go buckeyes!

Can I just say...........I know Americans love their football and watch alot of the pros and college teams on tv, but this is football mania. Columbus has Ohio state uni in their town, and hence the football team the buckeyes. Apparently today was the start of the season, and you had to have just fallen off the turnip truck to not know. Every man, woman, child and dog I saw today, whether it be at the mall, the grocery store, or the park was wearing a ohio state red t shirt. I am not kidding....Even the grocery store cashiers.........It is beyond insane. I can't imagine what people thought seeing us in "regular" garb!! Only in Amerrrricah.


cheryldawn said...

What is an actual "buckeye"? I have heard of the football team, but what is it actually named after?

The pool and "sandy beach" sound like fun. I hope to swim in Sproat Lake this coming week, chilly or not. We Canucks are tough!

RichardS said...