Monday, October 6, 2008

playing tourist

This past week we decided to go and see some old friends in Toronto, and also take Olivier to see Niagara Falls. Of course it rained in Toronto the whole time we were there, but we saw parts of Ontario we had never been to, and managed to squeeze in a trip to Ikea! By the time we went on the Maid of the Mist the weather was much better. We got wet from the spray, and had a great time playing tourist.... If you have never been back east to see the fall colours, it really is stunningly beautiful. We then went on to Buffalo NY, where we spent the night ..... I think I have now ventured to at least 23-24 states, which is actually more than I have seen of my own country. Mrs.Hall would be impressed!

1 comment:

sweetgrass said...

Awwww Mrs. Hall!!!!!!!